Aug 15, 2014


Winding down the dog days of summer over here. Here's a little art project that we've been "perfecting all week."

If you haven't heard I've become a bit of a doodler. So it was super easy and fun for me to sketch this over sized doodle for the kids to get creative with.

I just rolled out a couple of rows of this Ikea MALA paper (roll) and secured it with painters tape. Munchkin said she wanted to play fairies so fairy wings and rainbows, h on his scooter, mushrooms, butterflies and voila less (TV) screen time - WOOT. Perfect for a rainy afternoon (or longer)..

If you aren't an artist like me (heh) you could also have the kids do a drawing with a black marker on 8x10 paper (or use a favorite coloring book page) take to a copy store like Staples or Office Depot and have them enlarge (three by four or so) and print. Even large (black and white) prints only run between $5 and $10. 

What do you think? Any suggestions for a rainy afternoon easy peasy craft?

p.s. I've been toying with the idea of letting the munchkin wear her hair out of the ponytails/poufs. She's dying to do it. I've been telling her when she gets a bit older… I can't believe how much taller she's gotten even just over the summer.  She's such  big girl already. 1st Grade!!

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