Nov 15, 2012

Thankful for Friends

 binoculars and adventure map in hand scaling the alligator bridge.

She says I'm her best friend. That makes me smile (Crossing my fingers that she feels that way in 30 years). 

adventure gear - sleeping bag, pencils, a journal, warm clothes, daddy's back pack.

I'm finding as I get older how much my friendships have changed. Some fade. Different life stages at different times reak havoc on what you have in common. The conversations are different, fewer, farther in between. Life and schedules get in the way. It actually hurts a little. I mean a gal needs her pals.

But I have also found that your friends. Your true friends. The ones who really get you (and always have). Faults and all (no judgements) - will be there. You find common ground. You love each other. You are there for each other when the chips are high and low. No matter what. I am very thankful to have a few.

tree climbing with her handy rope (and daddy)

Including this one. I admire her so. Such an adventurer. I'm trying really hard not to live too vicariously through her.  I know she'll probably out grow me. At least for a little while.
In the meantime, I'll do my best to be a good friend. So we can find our way back to each other again.

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