Aug 11, 2014


Well what I really mean is MY night stand.  I'm afraid its been taken over by children's books, and sippy cups and random odds and ends. And I'd like to take it back. What' I'd really like is something like this:

Wishful thinking? I really want a nice and neat space with a lamp and my books so I can read (more that just my iPhone) in bed. A cute dish to throw my hair pins and ear rings in before I turn in for the night. And a dash of ambiance.. I should probably start by removing the three loads of clean laundry staring at me on the other side of the room.. but I digress..

So inspired by these looks. After scouring Pinterest, I've come up with this mix for the perfectly stocked  and styled night stand:

CLOCK I suppose I could look at my phone for the time, but what night stand is complete without a clock?

PHOTO/ART A memento from a family trip or a pic of the kiddos.

LAMP/LIGHTING I'm partial to something like this.

VASE/FLOWERS/FOLIAGE This is a nice to have, in all honesty it would probably get knocked over, so it would need be something small and not glass (at least until they get a bit older and less rambuncious). A small potted plant would do nicely.

BOOKS  Just the one or two I'm currently reading. The rest go on the book shelf.

CANDLE To keep inside the drawer for when I'm in need of some ambiance:-)

BASKET/STORAGE For the floor next to the night stand. For the kids bed time books and toys that end up in the room during our pre bed time snugglefest.

Too much? Did I miss anything? 

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