Aug 18, 2014


Its so funny, we started the summer super excited and Gung Ho, but these last two weeks seemed to drag on FOREVER. All of our pals had already headed back to school and I was SO ready for school to start for us too - it seemed that summer would NEVER END. And now that it has, as I look back at the photos and memories I captured these past two months... seems like it flew by. SO AWESOME.  I miss it already.

I dropped them both off at school today finally. Little h started a half-day preschool (2 day/week). And as much as I couldn't wait to finally have a few hours to myself.. it was surely bitter sweet. The littlest, getting so independent.  When I went back to peep in through the window he was checking out all the "stations" all on his own, not a tear in sight - I think I may have cried even longer than he did (I just needed to release the anxiety I suppose)??!!

And my sweet girl. SO SMART. Sometimes I get in bed with her after she's gone to sleep and just stroke her hair, and pray for her, and smile at what an awesome little lady she's becoming.  I remember looking at her baby chubs and wondering what she'd be like. FIRST GRADE. She got in the car after school and said, "Mommy, IT WAS GREAT." And I could exhale...

Watching (and helping them grow up) so fast is equally exhilarating and terrifying. I often want to pinch myself, it seems so surreal to be a part of it all..

Feeling thankful.



wande said...

You have so much to be thankful for! Beautiful photos.

Unknown said...

you are right. we both do. thank you Wande!


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