Sep 22, 2014


i'm feeling anxious on this first official day of fall for some reason.

so i'm starting again. opening my eyes and ears. listening to my heart and intuitions. studying to show myself approved. praying for patience, courage, confidence, focus, clarity. setting some new goals - a more patient parent. a more giving spouse. a better friend. a more steadfast disciple. more embracing of my imperfections. more grateful.

what about you? accepting all encouraging words. 

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Mimi said...

Be easy. Life is hard enough without all of the pressures we put on ourselves. Live everyday and do the best you can. If you miss it one day strive to make it the next. That's how I live. I miss it more than I hit it but I know I tried and that makes me carefree and stress less. I can only do and be so much.

Unknown said...

I can only do and be so much. You said a mouthful Mimi.

Wande said...

I keep telling myself slow and steady wins the race. You should too, you are doing amazing.


Unknown said...

Definitely following your lead. Let's get it! THANKS MAMA!


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