Sep 4, 2014



I've got tons of these little guys still growing outside.. so I'm digging up recipes to try and make sure I don't waste a one. Ran across this photo and recipe which totally reminded me that FALL IS LOOMING and I"M SO EXCITED. It is definitely my favorite season. The prelude to so much fun...

We've been going to the same little church yard Pumpkin Patch for years… Maybe this year we'll do the corn maze, hay ride route?!

Now that school is underway, we are starting to get the munchkins together for {Giggle Girls} book club… We've got a new format and a new calendar and will be focusing on themes (adventure, friendship, travel...) this season. Now I need a book club of my own… Any local atlanta mom's (or ladies) down?

The State Fair! Going to the fair was so much fun for me as a kid - cotton candy, candied apples, and funnel cakes YES PLEASE. Hopefully I will have been able to buckle down long enough on this little healthy eating detox I'M GIVING MY BEST SHOT to splurge a little.

Oh and this chocolate chip banana bread.. I'm addicted:-(

I know it's not quite fall yet but,  It's SOOOO HOT OUTSIDE!!! I'm talking in the 90's every day.. So I'm pretty ready for some cool crisp air and even more ready to dive into fall porches, sweaters, and warm drinks.. and chili… yes please - the list goes on.

For more Fall Inspiration, here's what I'm drooling over, over on Pinterest.  Oh and find the recipe for these gorgeous heirloom tomatoes with parmesan crumbles here.

Is it just me, or are you looking forward to fall too?


if you haven't already please follow me over on: facebook | twitter | pinterest | instagram | bloglovin 


Unknown said...

Now that I have figured out my password, I can comment. I love the new layout. I am interested in the book club too.

Unknown said...

Yes!! Let's do it Steph!!

Unknown said...

Oh and thank you for the compliment:-) trying to step up my game!!


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