Nov 13, 2014


SO MANY COUGHS.. SO MUCH SNOT.. Yes, I said snot.. We are on our third round of sniffles around here, which means night time has been pretty rough these days. Thankfully, I've been able to escape the germs (so far, knock on wood). Tony has not been so lucky. I threw out the Vicks Vapor Rub after learning about how toxic it really is… Especially with the littles, I've been trying to be as natural and organic as possible when possible.

Avery woke up with a sheer sheet of mucus across his face and a cough like an adult horse:-( I've been doing a little research and this is my first stash of Essential Oils… Whippped up some of this Natural Vapor Rub and have been slathering it on the little guy. 

I  think its working.  

I even rubbed some on Tony last night while he was sleeping…. he like that very much. Alright.. keep it moving… nothing to see here.

To Make:
Put about 4 heaping tablespoons of coconut oil on a container. I'm a bit of a hoarder, so I had plenty of things I could use but these mini spice jars would work well. Add about 20 drops of Eucalyptus. 1 or 2 drops each of Rosemary and Spearmint.

I put it on after bath and then keep it on my nightstand when the kids are sick. That way I can grab it and head to the room of whoever is doing the coughing.

Nothing worse then when the littles are sick. At least he's been giving me the best snuggles (and the longest naps). 

Any other home remedies you can share would be greatly appreciated.

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